During our first Zoom session we will go over the rules to create a safe, welcoming and respectful environment for all club members. Additionally, there are specific features on Zoom that we will use to ensure the safety and well-being of all participants: 

  • Please ensure that each participant’s name is fully displayed in the name box. 
  • If campers use disrespectful or inappropriate language during the Zoom session, we will provide them with a warning. If they continue this behaviour, we will mute their microphone for a short period of time. We will remind campers of the expectation to always use kind and respectful language.  
  • We will disable the private chat feature if students are using it inappropriately. 
  • If cyberbullying occurs at any time throughout our session, we will notify parents/guardians of the behaviour with a private email.  
  • To ensure the safety of the campers, please DO NOT share the Zoom link with others. We will only be sharing the Zoom link with families that are registered in the Queen’s University Black Youth in STEM virtual programs.